Transparent frog

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Japanese scientists have created a transparent frog. Normally I am against cruel breeding like this, however the main reason for this transparent frog is to study biology without having to kill, slice or hurt the frogs. So at first I think this is a great idea, but it does seem a little impractical. They are going to give 14 year old kids live frogs to play with? I see a whole new world of animal cruelty opening up here. Also this frog doesn't look transparent at all. Kinda just weird looking. So it's a catch 22; you're damned if you do, damned if you don't! I love the idea that they won't be killing frogs, but now they're just going to be using them as little study-aids/slaves. That's no life for these froggies. I agree with the importance of studying anatomy, but what's wrong with the good old fashioned computer models?

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